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HITACHI Ethos NX-5000 Triple-Beam-Focused ion beam with EDS, EBSD

Contact Person

Florence Paray
Université McGill


General specifications:
• Cold Cathode field-emission with Auto-Flash (NEG pump)
• SEM resolution: 1.5 nm at 1 kV, 0.7 nm at 15 kV
• Probe current 5 pA – 10 nA
• Acc. voltages from 0.1 to 30 kV
• SE/BSE in-lens detectors (SE(U), BSE(U), BSE(L)
• In-chamber SE detector (SE(L))
• Ga liquid metal ion source
• Max FIB probe current 100 nA
• FIB resolution 4 nm at 30 kV, 60 nm at 2 kV
• Ar+ ion beam 1-2 kV for final surface milling
X-ray detectors:
• Oxford Instruments 180 mm² SDD XMax
• AZTEK software from Oxford Instruments
• Live X-ray imaging/mapping, linescans, multipoints, automatic jobs, montage (image, EDS & EBSD) & 3D EDS
• Standard and standardless quantification (point, linescan, map) with ZAF/PHIROZ models
• Beam drift correction
EBSD camera:
• Symmetry 2
• Fast acquisition rate