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HITACHI SU-8230 Cold Field Emission SEM with EDS (SDD) and Bruker Flat Quad Annular SDD detectors

Contact Person

Florence Paray
Université McGill


General specifications:
• Cold Cathode field-emission with Auto-Flash (NEG pump)
• Accelerating voltage 10 V to 30 kV
• Beam current up to 40 nA
• Magnification: ×20 to ×1, 000,000 (Polaroid Mode)
• 5-axis stage motorization
• Stage range : X = 110 mm, Y = 110 mm, Z = 1.5 to 40 mm
• Eucentric tilt : -5 to + 70°
• Eucentric rotation : 360°
• Beam blanking
• Image pixel resolution from 640×480 to 5120×3840
• Specimen chamber vacuum < 1×10-4 Pa • Specimen diameter < 150 mm (X, Y) and height < 25 mm • Cold trap • Infra-Red chamberscope • Faraday cup for current measurements • Image Spatial Resolution: • 0.8 nm at 15 kV (SE, normal mode) • 2.0 nm at 1 kV (SE, normal mode) • nm at 1 kV (SE, deceleration mode) • 0.8 nm at 30 kV (BF) Electrons detectors for imaging: • Lower E-T SE detector for standard topographic imaging • Upper SE/BSE (TTL) detector for low angle BSE annular imaging with energy filtration up to 150 V (high pass filter) • Top SE/BSE (TTL) detector with ExB filter for high angle BSE annular imaging with energy filtration up to 3 kV (high pass filter) • STEM BF YAG detector with BF apertures (Ø 1, 1.5, 2 mm) • STEM DF imaging with converting plate • 5-quadrants solid-state BSE detector (PDBSE) X-ray detectors: • Bruker Nano 60 mm² SDD XFlash 6|60 • Bruker Nano annular SDD w/ four quadrants (1.2 st) Flat Quad • Quantax software from Bruker • X-ray mapping, linescans, multipoints automatic jobs • Phase analysis • Standard and standardless quantification (point, linescan, map) with PB/ZAF and PHIROZ models • Beam drift correction