Governance and administration
Board of Directors and Coordination
The REGAL Board of Directors (BDR) is composed of the management (who chairs the BDR); the deputy management; all the coordinators of the institutions and a representative of the student community. It is responsible for implementing the Centre’s guidelines, ensuring sound budget management, promoting the coordination of research efforts between members and people in the community, preparing and approving the budget, and reporting on its actions to the various assemblies. All decisions of the BDR concerning the statutes are voted on and ratified by the assembly of members.

Duchesne, Carl Coordonnateur d’établissement ULaval
Coordonnateur d’établissement ULaval
Songmene, Victor Coordonnateur d’établissement ÉTS
Coordonnateur d’établissement ÉTS
Maslouhi, Ahmed Coordonnateur d’établissement UdeS
Coordonnateur d’établissement UdeS
Medraj, Mamoun Coordonnateur d’établissement Concordia
Coordonnateur d’établissement Concordia
Paray, Florence Coordonnatrice d’établissement McGill
Coordonnatrice d’établissement McGillMembers’ Assembly
The general assembly of the members of the Centre is responsible for the administration of the Centre according to the criteria put forth by the FRQNT, in compliance with the objectives defined by the statutes. It is consulted on the scientific programming, strategic planning, operation and activities of the Centre. The assembly meets at least once a year.
Scientific Committee
The REGAL Scientific Committee (CSR), made up of the deputy director and the axis managers, proposed by the BDR. The CSR ensures the coordination of scientific activities and must submit to the BDR an annual budget for the operation of the axis activities. Based on the envelope granted by the BDR, the CSR decides on the percentage of the budget going to each of the axes and finalizes the distribution of the budget in the projects. The CSR presents the budget to the BDR for its approval.

Kocaefe, Duygu Responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad Co-responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Co-responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Lévesque, Julie Responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Javidani, Mousa Co-responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Co-responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Brochu, Mathieu Responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Li, Liya Co-responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Co-responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Tuysuz, Oguzhan Co-responsable Axe 4: Aluminium 4.0
Co-responsable Axe 4: Aluminium 4.0
Faubert, Patrick Responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira Co-responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Co-responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsableStudent Committee
The student community of each institution appoints a person to represent them on the REGAL Student Committee (CER). The committee acts as a consultant to the BDR and the CSR. It makes proposals to improve the functioning of the Centre and participates in the organization of the REGAL Student Day (JER).
EDI Committee
A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (EDI) committee will be formed in the coming months. Its mandate will be to ensure the implementation of the action plan that will be developed following a survey that will be conducted with the entire REGAL community. With the help of our institutions’ EDI specialists, the objective is to draw up a portrait of the perception of EDI issues; using the results, actions will be prioritized, and a plan will be developed to improve the feeling of equity, diversity and inclusion within the group.