Member Establishments
There are 8 academic institutions that are members of REGAL located in the regions of Montreal, the Capitale-Nationale, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean and Montérégie. REGAL is represented in each institution by a coordinator

Cégep de Trois-Rivières
Cégep de Trois-Rivières is one of the founding members of REGAL. With over 4,250 students enrolled in 40 programs and three college technology transfer centres (CCTT), Cégep de Trois-Rivières has earned its place as one of the most innovative colleges in Quebec. More specifically, within the framework of REGAL, professors from the Department of Metallurgical Engineering Technology and research engineers from the Centre de métallurgie du Québec (CMQ) have been conducting research on aluminium transformation for over thirty years. The institution’s key areas of expertise are foundry, alloy development, additive manufacturing, welding, non-destructive testing and heat treatment.
Contact Information
Gheorghe Marin, Director General, REGAL Institution Coordinator
Centre de métallurgie du Québec
Parc industriel des Hautes-Forges
3095, rue Westinghouse
Trois-Rivières (Quebec)
G9A 5E1
819 376-8707 poste 5024
Regular Members

Lévesque, Julie Responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
École de Technologie Supérieure
The research projects carried out by REGAL-ÉTS members cover the transformation of aluminium alloys and aluminium-based composites and include the design, modeling, manufacturing, assembly and characterization of materials and products. Several forming processes are studied (simulation, testing and optimization): high temperature forming (forging, rolling and extrusion); friction stir welding (FSW); linear friction welding (LFW); fast and environmentally friendly machining; surface treatments (induction, brazing, shot peening).
Victor Songmene, Full professor, REGAL establishment coordinator
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bureau A-1810 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 1K3
514 396-8869
Regular Members

Songmene, Victor Coordonnateur d’établissement ÉTS
Coordonnateur d’établissement ÉTS
Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira Co-responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Co-responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Polytechnique Montréal
Overall, Polytechnique Montréal welcomes the largest number of engineering students in Quebec. Its mechanical engineering department has 8 professors who are regular members of REGAL.
The multi-scale mechanics laboratory (LM2) is the main research infrastructure used by researchers and student members of REGAL. This infrastructure has more than 7 mechanical stress systems with different capacities to perform a multitude of tests in a variety of environments. The aluminium research projects led by Polytechnique Montréal professors are mainly funded by cooperative research and development grants offered by NSERC and sponsored by the Consortium de Recherche et d’Innovation en Aérospatial du Québec (CRIAQ). The main industrial partners of these projects are evidently companies working in aeronautics.
Contact Information
Myriam Brochu, Full Professor, REGAL Establishment Coordinator
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Montreal Campus
Local A-453 2500, chemin de la Polytechnique
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 3A7
514 340-4711 poste 4614
Regular Members

Tuysuz, Oguzhan Co-responsable Axe 4: Aluminium 4.0
Co-responsable Axe 4: Aluminium 4.0Concordia University
Contact Information
Mamoun Medraj, professor, REGAL establishment coordinator
Department of Mech. and Ind. Engineering
Concordia University
1455, de Maisonneuve Blvd West, office EV012,185
Montreal (Quebec), H3G 1M8
514 848 2424 (3146)
Regular members

Medraj, Mamoun Coordonnateur d’établissement Concordia
Coordonnateur d’établissement Concordia
At the time of REGAL’s creation in 2003, the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi had brought together its researchers working in the field of aluminium within the Centre universitaire de recherche sur l’aluminium (CURAL). It alone concentrates more than 35 years of expertise ranging from research on raw materials to aluminium transformation processes, including the one dedicated to the production of this gray metal. It promotes a multidisciplinary approach for the resolution, in an applied framework, of problems with industrial impact that most often serve as motivation for fundamental or practical developments.
In 2005, the construction of the Rio Tinto Alcan Pavilion – CURAL Laboratory allowed the establishment of a large fleet of state-of-the-art equipment dedicated to aluminium research. It includes a pilot plant for the development of new technologies for the treatment of red mud, a multi-functional foundry, a high-performance computing unit, six laboratories specifically dedicated to the characterization of the thermophysical, thermochemical and thermomechanical properties of materials at very high temperatures, the study of microstructures by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the development of coatings, the manufacture and baking of carbon anodes, the study of the friction stir welding process, as well as numerous test benches for the study of different aspects of the Hall-Héroult process. Combined with expertise that is now recognized internationally, UQAC constitutes a unique place in North America for research in the field of aluminium production and transformation.
Contact information
Lukas Dion, Professor, REGAL Establishment Coordinator
Département des sciences appliquées
Pavillon Principal
555, boulevard de l’Université
Chicoutimi (Quebec), G7H 2B1
Regular Members

Faubert, Patrick Responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Responsable Axe 5: Aluminium responsable
Javidani, Mousa Co-responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Co-responsable Axe 2: Métallurgie et procédés de transformation
Kocaefe, Duygu Responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Université de Sherbrooke
Contact information
Ahmed Maslouhi, Full Professor, REGAL Establishment Coordinator
Département de génie mécanique
Pavillon J.-A.-Bombardier
2500, boulevard de l’Université
Sherbrooke (Québec), J1K 2R1
819-821-8000 poste 61241
Regular Members

Maslouhi, Ahmed Coordonnateur d’établissement UdeS
Coordonnateur d’établissement UdeS
Li, Liya Co-responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Co-responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
McGill University
Present since the early days of REGAL, as the result of an initiative of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi to support their research activities on aluminium in 2003, McGill University and more specifically its Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, became one of the founding members of REGAL. From day one, Dr. Florence Paray has represented the members of this institution.
Contact Information
Florence Paray, Faculty Officer, REGAL Establishment Coordinator
Materials Engineering
Université McGill, Pavillon Wong, bureau 2M070
3610, rue Université
Montreal (Quebec), H3A 0C5
514 398-3590
Regular Members

Paray, Florence Coordonnatrice d’établissement McGill
Coordonnatrice d’établissement McGill
Brochu, Mathieu Responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Responsable Axe 3: L’aluminium et ses applications
Université Laval
Since the production and transformation of aluminium is very complex, the Centre favors a multidisciplinary approach to research. Accordingly, its researchers come from different departments and a reason for ExtrametAL’s motivation to bring together researchers and modeling experts. This approach promotes the advancement of knowledge, ensures quality supervision of students and contributes to the Centre’s mission, which is energy and environmental efficiency, both in the production and transformation of metals.
Contact Information
Carl Duchesne, Full professor, REGAL establishment coordinator
Department of Chemical Engineering
Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, bureau 3574
1065, avenue de la Médecine
Quebec City (Quebec), G1V 0A6
418 656-5184
Regular Members

Duchesne, Carl Coordonnateur d’établissement ULaval
Coordonnateur d’établissement ULaval
Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad Co-responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire
Co-responsable Axe 1: Production d’aluminium primaire