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Hitachi IM-4000Plus flat/cross-section Ar+ ion milling system

Contact Person

Florence Paray
Université McGill


Final polishing of materials prior to EBSD and ECCI analysis
Produces cross-sections without mechanical polishing for samples of 2 mm thick maximum
• Accelerating voltage (E0): 1 to 6 kV
• Ion beam current: 50 to 100 µA (depending on E0)
• Tilt angle: 0 to 88°
• Rotation speed: 0.017s-1, 0.17s-1, 0.425s-1 with full rotation
• Swing rotation available: ±45°, 60°, 90°
• Specimen size < 2 inches • Treated area: Ø 0.5 to 1 cm