Graduate Studies and Training Opportunities
Completing graduate studies at REGAL will allow you to create links with several experts in the field of aluminium. You will also have the opportunity to have access, at a lower cost, to the equipment of the 8 member institutions of the Centre! You can submit your spontaneous application at any time to express your interest in pursuing graduate studies at REGAL. Here are the opportunities currently offered by regular members.
To become a member
PhD positions available in structural engineering
Liya Li, Charles-Philippe Lamarche and Sebastien Langlois, members of REGAL and professors in the Department of Civil and Building Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke, are recruiting doctoral students for a project in collaboration with Scott Walbridge, ALU MC3, Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec (MTMD), AluQuébec – Grappe industrielle de l’aluminium du Québec, and Association Canadienne de Normalisation.
Project title: Study on the fatigue resistance of aluminum highway accessory supports (2 PhD positions)
Master position available in structural engineering
Liya Li, member of REGAL and professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Building Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke and Scott Walbridge, is looking for a master’s student for a project in collaboration with ALU MC3, Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec (MTMD), AluQuébec – Grappe industrielle de l’aluminium du Québec, and Association Canadienne de Normalisation.
Project title: Fatigue Detail Categories for Aluminum Structures
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Research Director: Louis Gosselin, Université Laval
Project Title: Modeling the reactivity of anodes in electrolysis cells using a multi-scale approach